Online Anxiety Therapy

Are you overwhelmed with Anxiety?

Everyone experiences anxiety at some point in their lives. It’s normal to feel anxious in a stressful situation, such as when we’re facing an important deadline, giving a speech in public, or coping with a family crisis. Anxiety is our body’s natural response to stress, and these feelings are usually temporary and go away when circumstances improve.

For many people, however, anxiety lingers or even worsens to the point where it interferes with their relationships, work, school and more. Anxiety, like the fight, flight, or freeze response, is for survival. It allows people to protect themselves to avoid harm. Sometimes, a person has high levels of anxiety regularly. They may feel helpless in dealing with their symptoms. Notice how anxiety is currently presenting itself to you. Are you overthinking to the point where you can’t focus on what’s in front of you? Do your thoughts feel like they’re spiraling out of control? Are you consumed with worry? Are your thoughts leaving you depleted and mentally exhausted? If you answered yes to any of these questions, consider how anxiety is impacting you today and reflect on its origins.

It’s important to note that both biology and environment determine if a person will have anxiety. In other words, anxious behavior can be inherited, learned, or both. Having a stressful upbringing can also increase a person's chances of having anxiety. This is because anxiety becomes a way to anticipate danger and stay safe. When it starts to interfere with your everyday functioning, it may be time to seek help from a professional therapist.

If you think you may be experiencing an Anxiety Disorder, below are some general symptoms:

  • Restlessness, irritability, or feeling on edge

  • Racing thoughts, ruminating, or obsessing

  • Feeling easily fatigued or physically weak

  • Muscle tension

  • Difficulty concentrating or feeling like your mind often goes blank

  • Sleep disturbance, difficulty falling asleep, or unsatisfying sleep

  • Physiological symptoms (e.g. heart palpitations, chest pain)

  • Profuse sweating or muscle trembling

  • Uncontrollable worrying

  • Feeling agitated

How to move forward with Anxiety

Keep in mind that not everyone who has anxiety symptoms will develop an Anxiety Disorder or other disorders such as Panic Disorder or Social Anxiety Disorder. The great news is that Anxiety Disorders and symptoms are very treatable by helping you minimize the anxiety in your life, identifying the stressor, and changing the underlying thought and behavior patterns that contribute to your anxiety. Anxiety doesn’t have to be at the forefront of your life anymore. You can learn strategies to decrease discomfort in your mind and body to help you restore a sense of calm and well-being. In therapy, I can work with you to gain a better understanding of the inner-workings of your anxiety, narratives you hold about yourself, past wounds that, when activated, may create anxiety symptoms. Additionally, I can help you change underlying thoughts and behaviors, and create new ways to help you manage anxiety. A meaningful and productive life managing your anxiety symptoms is doable and within your reach.

Learn more about anxiety strategies on my blog post or get your free anxiety workbook now. I know it can feel scary when starting therapy, but know that I am here to help! Feel free to book below to schedule a free 20 minute consultation.